10 Money Management Tips for Those About to Enter Retirement

Money Management

Are you looking forward to the golden years of retirement? To truly enjoy these years, you need to put the work in long before.

This involves knowing how to prepare and manage your money. A retirement plan can be tough, however, especially if you do not know how you will spend your days.

Read on for our 10 must-know retirement money management tips.

  1. Get Tax Efficient

All of your retirement accounts will have very different tax requirements. By knowing what they are, you can maximize your money when it comes to retiring. You should really think about how and when you make these withdrawals.

Take note of how much you are withdrawing each year. Make sure you are aware of the impact it has on your tax bracket and that your minimum withdrawals are prioritized for distribution.

You may also consider a Roth conversion to minimize how much you are taxed. This will allow you to make tax-free withdrawals if you meet the requirements.

  1. Plan for Inflation

One key feature of retirement planning that many people overlook is inflation. Inflation and rising costs are a fact of life that can not be avoided. The money you put away now may look sizable, but it may not look that way in the future.

Knowing prices will go up lets you account for this. You can track your investments along with inflation, so you have a better understanding of their current and future worth.

  1. Update Your 401k and IRA Contributions

Once you hit 70.5 years old, you are no longer allowed to make contributions to your IRA.

However, if you opt-out of retirement and continue working, you are able to continue with contributions to a 401k. There are some essential things you should know before you roll over your 401(k) as well.

  1. Discuss Finance With Your Family

The first person you need to discuss retirement with is your partner. Firstly, it is important to agree on a mutual lifestyle that you want to live. This can inform the expenditure and how much you need for retirement financial planning.

Decide how the pair of you want to spend your time. A couple who want a sedate lifestyle will spend a lot less than those who want to be off traveling.

Part of this discussion must also include where you both decide to live. You may have a property that you plan on staying in, or perhaps you want to move elsewhere or downsize.

Once you have an idea of the life you want to live, you can plan accordingly. You can also use this to put aside the money you may want to leave behind.

  1. Invest in Your Health

Even with an insurance plan in place, healthcare still gets expensive. In fact, you should factor out-of-pocket expenses into your retirement planning.

All you need to do is consider the number of things Medicare does not cover. Prescription medicines, co-payments, deductibles, and other necessary items, like glasses, hearing aids, or mobility devices, do not even factor in. When you total up these costs, it starts to reach a staggering sum.

One way to keep these costs down is to keep yourself fit and healthy. This addresses the cause, not the problem, meaning any unforeseen costs are minimal.

  1. Scale Down

After you have discussed finance with your partner and know what type of lifestyle you want, you can also decide what you don’t need. This can help you strip back, scale down, and reduce the expenditure and burden on your personal finance.

An obvious one to consider first is your property. If you have had a family who has now flown the nest, you may not need a larger property. Selling would release some of the liquidity, which can be reappropriated elsewhere.

Downsizing does not just come from your property. You may be able to get a smaller vehicle, reducing tax and fuel costs. Perhaps you may have valuable belongings which you can move on.

  1. Create a Budget

A good way of planning out a budget is to total up the costs you need for living and recreation. Living costs include rent, bills, utilities, and food. Recreation is your disposable income, the money you will use for general entertainment and living.

Once you have these, you need to try and stick to the budget put in place. As previously mentioned, take inflation into account. You may need more than you think.

  1. Prepare for Patterns

Once you have a budget and have accounted for inflation, then you should try to adjust for spending patterns. This is a money management strategy that will let you fully enjoy your retirement to the utmost, without constantly counting the money you are spending.

The first pattern of spending is immediately after retirement, where you may spend a lot, enjoying your freedom in the first few years. After this, many people stay closer to home and narrow their interests, entering the period where less is spent. After this, the third period is characterized by an increase in medical bills and prescriptions.

  1. Delay Social Security

Anyone born after 1943 can increase their social security by delaying it. For every year it is delayed, up to the age of 70, 8% can be added to the money you receive. This is a saving strategy best used for people who feel that they are able to carry on working and want to do so.

  1. Clear Your Mortgage

Of all the best retirement financial planning tips, clearing your mortgage is the most advantageous. Whatever happens, you will always have a roof over your head. This also brings peace of mind to you and your loved ones.

Start Your Money Management Tips Now

These money management tips are most effective if you begin to instigate them now. If you wait until later, you may find yourself short on retirement funds. This may mean you have to work later or can not have the retirement you hoped for.

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